Reasons to see an orthodontist

As your oral health is important in many ways, certain teeth problems are also a part of the oral health which is normally not considered to be like that. These issues include misalignment of teeth. You may also have the misalignment of jaws. These are the issues that a dental can address but in a general way. A dentist will probably give you a general advice. For having the most professional advice, you need to contact an orthodontist. An orthodontist knows better about how to deal with the problem of misalignment. You may require measures, medication or surgery. An orthodontist will be able to recommend properly and professionally.

There can be a lot of conditions which make you see an Orthodontist. There is another misconception that probably an orthodontic treatment is only for children in their teens or even at a younger age. This is not like that, it is for every age group. It is because of the fact that the complications arising in childhood, regarding teeth and jaw alignment, continue to exist all your life and are treatable. Every complication is not treatable at every stage, your orthodontist can give you the best solution even though. These are the conditions when you would see an orthodontist, just look at here:

Malocclusion of teeth

This is the misalignment of teeth which can result in a severe problem of making the chewing process difficult. The upper and lower jaw should fit together perfectly in order to make the biting and grinding easy. Malocclusion can also result in the overcrowding of teeth in small age. This is the condition when you should see an orthodontist in Abu Dhabi.

Crooked or buck teeth

Crooked teeth may have a twisted shape or stick out which results in the formation of snaggle tooth. There is another condition when the front teeth of the upper jaw stick out. These conditions can make you suppress your smile and confidence so for these conditions also you must see an orthodontist.

Thumb sucking habit

In kids, there is a frequently seen problem of thumb sucking. If it is prolonged then it can result in a misalignment of teeth. In order to avoid this problem, the kids are treated. This treatment is carried out by an orthodontist in a number of ways so that this habit may not become a cause of any problem with the permanent teeth.

Misalignment of jaws

Jaws’ misalignment can be a reason for visiting a professional. This can make you feel pain while eating as well as it can make the shape of the jaws look different than normal.